Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Almost Gone...

We are finally leaving, this Sunday. It has been a fun, full, month -- we've celebrated Brad's marriage to Carrie, had lots of good times with friends and family, and just spent 10 days up north at Molly's parent's cabin. We have also dealt with a broken foot (Mackenzie), Strep (All the kids) A root canal (Jeff) and the myriad of details that go into moving your life and family to the other side of the world. In it all, we have remained excited and grateful for this opportunity before us.

We ask for and need the prayers of our friends right now. I don't want to overstate (or understate) the spiritual nature of a move like this, but I do believe that to the extent that we are going to try to do something good (even with our own selfish motives mixed in) there is a corresponding force that pushes back. Scriptures speak to this very clearly. Also, to the extent that there is typically a corresponding value between work/effort and reward, we are filled with a strong sense of anticipation for what awaits us in Zambia. It has been a couple year process and lots of work and we are eagerly anticipating what is ahead.

Please pray specifically for our health, the details that still need to be completed this week, our three days of travel (including a 17 hour flight - and a four year old Bennett - whoa), settling into our new home and for peace admist it all.

Grateful for you.

p.s. Our Earthlink e-mail account will soon be gone. Our new e-mails are, molly@dykstrafamily.net, jeff@dykstrafamily.net or jdykstra@worldvision.org and the kids' addresses are their first name initial @dykstrafamily.net


Blogger lovefootball said...

hay my name is alex heather McDonalds friend from colorado
and I wanted to know if I can help with the TFC

11:32 AM  

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